Tagged with Culture

We switched to Slack and it’s going about as well as you’d expect

We switched to Slack and it’s going about as well as you’d expect
18 August, 2017

We recently switched over to Slack and have been learning the ins and outs of this chat platform. Here's how its going thus far.

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The long road to internet success, part 2: When you’re consistently not consistent

The long road to internet success, part 2: When you’re consistently not consistent
19 April, 2017

In this part of the series, Jared discusses his problem with consistency and how creating a schedule can help him meet his goals.

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The long road to internet success, part 1: Winning over my wife

The long road to internet success, part 1: Winning over my wife
6 April, 2017

A social experiment in which a Name.comer leverages online products to meet their goal of hosting the Academy Awards one day.

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With apologies to Jimmy Kimmel’s Mean Tweets, here’s our Keen Tweets.

With apologies to Jimmy Kimmel’s Mean Tweets, here’s our Keen Tweets.
30 March, 2017

We've got some incredible customers who have nice things to say about our people on social media. Here's some of the highlights.

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Getting GIFed

Getting GIFed
8 March, 2017

We've always been a GIF-friendly workplace, but we've taken it to the next level.

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