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Troubleshooting QR Code problems for Two-Step Verification

Last Updated: Jan 20, 2022

If you are having problems seeing or scanning the QR Code during the Two-Step Verification, you can manually enter the secret code instead. Here's how.

Setting up Two-Step Verification without a QR code

  1. On the Two-Step Verification Management page, click Problems with QR Code? below the QR code.
  2. On your Google Authenticator device you now need to select the option to Enter Provided Key.
  3. Enter the secret key and Account Name (the name of your device). It's important to enter the device name exactly the same way as it appears on your account (it is case sensitive).
  4. Your device will generate a 6 digit key to enter in your account to finalize the setup.

You will also have the option to generate backup codes, which is a great safeguard if something happens to your device.


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