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Understanding partial masked forwarding

Last Updated: Jan 11, 2022

Setting up masked forwarding is a good way to forward your domain name to an already existing site, but still get to show of your domain name by allowing it to show up in the URL bar.

However, the limitation to’s URL forwarding tool is that the masking is “all or nothing.” For example, let’s say you own the domain name, and you put a website on it. Then you decide you want to set up your other domain name,, to masked forward to your site on When someone goes to, all of the pages in the URL bar will show up as So, if there was an About Us page on the website, clicking on that would bring you to

Some people may want to set the forward up so that when someone goes to and then clicks on the About Us page, the URL bar shows instead of This is why it is called partial masked forwarding; the main page is masked, but subsequent pages are not.

Unfortunately, we do not offer the option for partial masked forwarding. It is either all masked, or none of it is masked. Sorry for any inconvenience this causes.

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