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Knowledge Base    Checkout & Billing    Billing FAQs: Request a Refund

Request a Refund

Last Updated: Jan 21, 2022

We appreciate your business and offer many refunds as a courtesy to our customers. To request a refund, please follow these steps:


1. Log in to your account.

2. Click the ACCOUNT tab at the top of the page.

3. Also located at the top, click PROFILE and then ACCOUNT SETTINGS.

4. On the left-hand side, click Order History under BILLING.

5. Find the order you want to refund and click the corresponding Order ID link.

6. Click the button, Request a refund located at the bottom.

7. Choose the items you would like refunded and fill out all the information.

8. Click Request Refund to submit.


Note: Only items eligible for a refund will show the Request a refund button on the order details page. Review our Refund Policy here for more details on what items are eligible for a refund.

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