Congrats to PIR’s #CashForGood winners, Hope for Limpopo

Congrats to PIR’s #CashForGood winners, Hope for Limpopo header image

PIR (Public Interest Registry)’s #CashForGood contest ended recently, and we’re thrilled to announce a customer was the one to win the context and take home that sweet, sweet $10,000 USD prize to invest back into their organization.

We’re so happy to say that Hope for Limpopo is the proud winner of PIR’s #CashForGood contest. The nonprofit works to support impoverished women, children, and families in the Limpopo Province of South Africa, many of whom have been affected by HIV/AIDS. By improving education about the disease, providing information about medication management, and fighting the stigma of HIV/AIDS, they are making a real difference in the community.

Hope for Limpopo is currently funding a number of projects including support of Vhutshilo Mountain School, a support school for AIDS orphans; the Tshilidzini Special School for children who are blind, deaf, or physically handicapped; and the Thohoyandou Victim Empowerment Programme, which offers support to survivors of abuse.

Although Hope for Limpopo’s main website uses a .ORG domain, the organization also uses to point users to their Facebook page. According to PIR, the nonprofit also plans on using the .NGO domain to promote future fundraising efforts as well.

In response to PIR’s question of how the prize money will be used, Hope for Limpopo Evangelist Jo Ann Churchill said, “3,000 will be used to build a new classroom and skills training room including materials, transportation and labor; $4,000 will provide ongoing skills training for the school children, caregivers and community; and the final $3,000 will enable Hope For Limpopo to sponsor up to 5 more children in its programs.”

What are the .NGO/.ONG domains?

The .NGO and .ONG domains (which are purchased as a bundle) are reserved exclusively for the use of non-governmental organizations around the world. As a suitable alternative to .ORG or a similar domain extension, these domains help organizations everywhere to raise awareness for their cause, recruit volunteers, and raise philanthropic funds.

Congrats again to Hope for Limpopo, and a huge thanks to PIR for supporting such a noble cause.

Find your .NGO/.ONG domain