Offer an online education with .DEGREE Connect with students interested in higher education.

.degree Domain Names

You can do just about anything online these days, including getting a college degree. With the .DEGREE domain name, there’s now a specific and memorable option for promoting online colleges and universities, sharing information about college degrees, and associating your web presence with higher education.

$37.99  $14.99 for the first year

Why buy a .degree domain?

TLD Illustration
  • Most colleges and universities use .EDU for their primary domain names, but could use .DEGREE for unique marketing opportunities, such as or
  • .DEGREE isn’t just for educational institutions. A .DEGREE domain name could also be used for academic and career counseling, comparing and contrasting degree programs, financial aid information, or any other applicable use of the word “degree."

How to use your .degree domain

Online colleges

Show prospective students that they can get an online education through your program.

Student loan providers

Connect with students in need of loans by using the keyword “degree” directly in your URL.


Use the .DEGREE domain to describe the areas of study offered by your university to encourage more applications from students.

Websites with
higher education resources

Offer information and tips for those who are interested in getting a college degree.

.degree Domain Prices


$37.99 $14.99/yr





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