Earn a Certificate of Awesomeness: Tell Your Friends about Our Domain Name Transfer Special


We’re running a special on domain name transfers right now (for a limited time only) that rivals free pizza and beer. OK, nothing is that good,an award for domain name transfer promotion but that’s one reason why you want to be with name.com: we’re open and honest. However, $6.99 COM/NET transfers for new accounts and $7.99 for existing Namers is really dang good, and we need your help in getting the word out. If we can recognize your effort in helping others bring their domain names to a better place, you could end up with a one-of-a-kind, suitable-for-framing CERTIFICATE OF AWESOMENESS.

But we’d like to help you help us. Sometimes it can be hard to work a conversation about domains into common situations, so we’re offering some talking points.

1. Any domain transfer comes with 1 year extension to registration. So, yes, if you have five months at your current registrar, you’ll have 17 months once you transfer.

2. Our customer support is amazing.

3. Name.com domains come with free email, free url forwarding, free social url forwarding and a free PageZen website.

4. The right domain name is the most effective yet least expensive marketing tool ever.

5. Name customers can come by the office for beer and crackers.

Here are some sample scenarios for bringing up domain names with friends, family and acquaintances:


Watching Sports with Friends

Team winning:

Option 1: “You think this is good, you should see Name.com’s COM/NET transfer special!

Option 2: “You’re wife is hot! Just kidding, did you know that Name.com has an attractive transfer special?”

Team losing:

Option 1: “Cheer up pal, at least you can transfer your COM/NET domain names to Name.com for just $6.99!”

Option 2: “Your choice of teams in pretty awful, but you can make up for it with the right domain registrar.”


Cocktail Party: 

Option 1: “I love what you’ve done with your hair! Are you celebrating transferring your domain names to Name.com?

(and that one could really be used for anything: “I love that belt buckle,” “You smell great,” “You must be working out…”)

Option 2: “I think we should go back to my place. And transfer domain names to your new Name.com account for only $6.99.”


Family Events:

Option 1: “I’m sorry dad, but that’s who I am and you’re just going to have to live with it. But I did just transfer my domains to Name.com for just $6.99.”

Option 2: “I don’t have the money I owe you, but I did just transfer my domains to Name.com for just $6.99.”

(and you can see how this could be used in so many situations)


Grocery Store: 

Whole Foods: “Sweet Lord Baby that’s expensive! At least I did the cheapest domain name renewal ever by transferring my domain names to name.com”

Option 2: “Get me five more pounds of pudding. I saved transferring my domain names to name.com.”


Waiting in lobby, at a bus stop or riding in an elevator:

Option 1: “The weather sure has been crazy lately. At least you can count on Name.com’s super cheap transfer special for sunshine.”

Option 2: “The weather has just been fantastic! Of course I’m always warm with all these name.com domain transfer savings.”



Option 1: “That was as good as being able to transfer my COM/NET domain names to name.com.”

Option 2: “I’ll make it up to you by transferring your COM/NETs to name.com for only $6.99.”


As you can see, your opportunities for greatness are many, as are the opportunities for you and your friends/family/lovers to save money. We’ll see you on the Internet!