Start a conversation about energy resources with .ENERGY

.energy Domain Names

.ENERGY domain names could be used for anything from utility provider websites to blogs about energy conservation and green energy practices. No matter the purpose of your website, .ENERGY allows for a more specific and memorable online presence that readers will instantly associate with the term “energy.”

$116.99  $18.99 for the first year

Why buy a .energy domain?

TLD Illustration
  • If your business name includes the word “energy,” you can register the matching .ENERGY domain name to create a simpler website address. It allows you to eliminate unnecessary words or characters, and you can forward the domain name to your existing website.
  • There are no restrictions on .ENERGY domain names, so everyone is free to register, and the domain can be used for any purpose.

.energy Domain Prices


$116.99 $18.99/yr





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