Connect with the people that matter most with .FAMILY

.family Domain Names

Bring together your online community with a domain extension that puts family first.

$26.99  $19.99 for the first year

Why buy a .family domain?

TLD Illustration
  • .FAMILY can be used by families, groups, organizations, or businesses that want to connect with a broader audience.
  • Give your business or product a human touch by using a domain that inspires faith in your purpose or mission.
  • Share your family’s story with a website that explains your ancestry, family tree, and more.

How to use your .family domain


Create a web space for you and your your relatives to share news, pictures, and to stay in touch.


Show your business’s close-knit bond by using a domain extension that indicates care and compassion.

Ancestry/family tree sites

Show website visitors what your specialty is with an domain extension that is descriptive and engaging.


Demonstrate your commitment to your cause and illustrate the sense of community it builds with a .FAMILY domain.

.family Domain Prices


$26.99 $19.99/yr





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