A New Domain for anglers, pet shops, and more: .FISH

.fish Domain Names

.FISH is a New Domain that is ideal for any fish-related website. It’s suitable for anything from pet stores to fishing blogs and online fishing equipment retailers.

$44.99  $19.99 for the first year

Why buy a .fish domain?

TLD Illustration
  • It can be difficult to find a great domain on well-established extensions like .COM and .NET, so New Domains create great new opportunities for domain registration. If you have a fish-related website, .FISH is a great new option for building an online presence.
  • There are no restrictions on .FISH domain names. Anyone can register, and the domain can be used for any purpose.

Explore what you can do with .fish

"When you’re a business that depends on web traffic you have to get your domain name right. For people searching to fish in Wyoming , Wyoming.fish just makes sense."

Jeff Stephens,
Professional Flyfishing Guide

Quote Illustration

.fish Domain Prices


$44.99 $19.99/yr





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