Connect with more plant lovers with .FLOWERS

.flowers Domain Names

Florists, nurseries, greenhouses, and more will want to take advantage of the .FLOWERS domain. .FLOWERS is a fun and different way for businesses and individuals to define their expertise and create a memorable website. Whether your passion lies in botany or floral arrangements, .FLOWERS is a domain sure to make an impression.

 $299.99 for the first year

Why buy a .flowers domain?

TLD Illustration
  • Florists who want to connect with a larger audience can use a .FLOWERS domain to create a more memorable URL.
  • Nurseries, greenhouses, and home improvement stores can use .FLOWERS as a subdomain for the plants and/or gardening products they carry.
  • Owners of personal websites can use the domain as an exciting alternative to a generic one.

.flowers Domain Prices







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