Free SSL certificates are now available at

Free SSL certificates are now available at header image

Web security is paramount, both for yourself and for your website visitors. In an effort to make the web as a whole a safer place, we’re excited to announce that we’ll now be offering free SSL Certificates for all customers who purchase hosting with It’s called Encryption Everywhere.

What is Encryption Everywhere?

Well, this video sums it up pretty well.

Encryption Everywhere is a new feature that’s been added to all of our hosting packages. Now, when you sign up for any level of hosting, a free SSL certificate will be included in your purchase. These SSL certificates are automatically installed within 24 hours of setting up your hosting account, so you can enjoy all the benefits of a more secure website without any extra work on your part.

What’s so great about SSL certificates?

SSL certificates are important for website owners because they offer additional layers of security to their website. This is beneficial for both the website owner and their visitors. Website owners will have their information encrypted so it’s more difficult for hackers to compromise, and visitors can rest assured knowing that any sensitive data they enter (like a credit card number or account password) is protected. In fact, SSL certificates have been shown to increase sales as they inspire more customer trust.

I already have hosting with Do I get a free SSL certificate too?

Although Encryption Everywhere is only for new hosting accounts for the time being, we’re planning on making it available to everyone in the coming months.

Get a free SSL certificate when you sign up for hosting