Give back with a .GIVES domain Perfect for philanthropic organizations who are doing good in the world.

.gives Domain Names

.GIVES domain names are intended for charity and philanthropic websites. They’re great for non-profit organizations, churches, community centers, or the philanthropy section of corporate websites.

$37.99  $9.99 for the first year

Why buy a .gives domain?

TLD Illustration
  • If your business wants to showcase its charity work and community service, a new landing page with a .GIVES domain name is the perfect platform. Rather than directing traffic to or a similar domain, you could create a page with, making it more memorable and easy to share.
  • If you already have a page for your business’ philanthropic efforts and volunteer work, you can register a .GIVES domain name and use URL Forwarding to easily direct traffic to that page.
  • There are no restrictions on .GIVES domain names. The domain can be registered by anyone and used for any purpose.

How to use your .gives domain

Philanthropic organizations

Use this domain to encourage visitors to donate to or volunteer for your cause.


Bolster your fundraising efforts by setting up a page, where family and friends can help you contribute to a cause.


Use a .GIVES domain to tell customers about your philanthropic work and causes you support.

Towns and cities

Encourage city-wide participation in community service with an official website offering ideas on how to give back.

.gives Domain Prices


$37.99 $9.99/yr





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