Hackathons, tacos, and Boulder Startup Week

Hackathons, tacos, and Boulder Startup Week header image

Boulder Startup Week was a whirlwind of panels, networking opportunities, awesome events, and even more awesome people. If you weren’t able to make it this year, no worries—we’ll give you the rundown of what went down.


We braved the foggy, rainy weather and perpetual traffic to make the long (by which we mean a quick 45 minutes) drive to Boulder, CO. There, we were greeted by a refreshing wave of entrepreneurial spirit that makes Boulder Startup Week, well, Boulder Startup Week.

Our main event for the day was Hack the Dot, which was held at Quick Left’s beautiful Boulder space. The participants were given the domain crunchy.club for inspiration, courtesy of our friends at .CLUB. Armed with free beer and tasty sandwiches, our participants coded away for two hours to turn their ideas into a reality. Our winners created an algorithm that tracked the number of times the word “crunchy” was used on Twitter to describe a variety of snack foods. They also created a tool to determine how crunchy you were based on your name.


After an early morning of delivering coffee and scones to the attendees of Boulder Open Coffee Club, we spent most of Tuesday camped out at Basecamp giving away swag and free domains. That evening, we tromped over to the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art for Hack the City, a hackathon that focused on finding new ways to provide affordable housing and studio space to artists in Boulder.


Wednesday started off with a bang with a trip over to Matter Communications, Boulder for an interview about Name.com and our participation in Boulder Startup Week. We had a blast hanging out with their team and we definitely did not steal their keg when we left. Must have been some other registrar….


We ended the week strong as we attended the job fair and hosted our annual Tweets for Tacos event. The job fair was absolutely packed and swimming with talented people interested in exploring the local tech scene. We had a blast chatting with everyone there and hope the job fair opened up some new doors for attendees.

Then it was off to T/ACO where we purchased a whopping 400 tacos for our amazing attendees and raffled off a bike from Boulder Cycle Sport. We were so happy to see some folks who attended last year, and just as glad to welcome new attendees to one of our favorite events. And just take a look at these gorgeous tacos.

That is taco art right there.

Boulder Startup Week was such a blast and we can’t wait to start planning for next year. Our next stop? SeriusDecisions Summit in Nashville. We already have Namers there and ready to spread domain joy, so keep an eye out for these classy folks if you’re in the area.