Build your law practice with .LAWYER Show that you’re a legal professional with this brandable domain.

.lawyer Domain Names

With the .LAWYER domain name, lawyers, legal firms, and anyone involved in legal services can create a unique and custom web presence. Rather than settling for a generic domain name, you can get a memorable and branded domain name that immediately shows that you’re a legal professional.

 $53.99 for the first year

Why buy a .lawyer domain?

TLD Illustration
  • In addition to a .LAWYER domain, you can also register .ATTORNEY. You could register your name with both domains to protect your brand and image, or you could choose the extension that best fits your practice.
  • The most obvious use for .LAWYER is, but you could also build a web presence around the type of law you practice, such as or A location+category domain would be great for search engine optimization, such as
  • Law students should consider registering their names as .LAWYER and/or .ATTORNEY domains to prepare for their entrance into the professional world.

How to use your .lawyer domain


Create a personal website that showcases your services and expertise.

Law firms

Take advantage of a strong keyword by using a .LAWYER domain extension.

Law schools

Use a .LAWYER domain to direct interested students to information about your law program.


Pro Bono legal groups can indicate their services by using a .LAWYER domain for their website.

.lawyer Domain Prices







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