Create a specific and memorable online presence for your legal career: .LEGAL

.legal Domain Names

Your domain name is the first thing someone will notice when they see you in search results, visit your website, or a receive an email from you. With the .LEGAL domain name, you can create an online presence that is instantly associated with legal services and law careers.

$73.99  $9.99 for the first year

Why buy a .legal domain?

TLD Illustration
  • If you’re creating a website for a law practice or to market yourself and further your legal career, .LEGAL domain names are a great option. You can register or, instantly branding yourself as part of the legal field.
  • If you have a Facebook or Twitter account that focuses on legal matters or a legal career, you can register a .LEGAL domain name and then use URL forwarding to easily send traffic to that page.

Explore what you can do with .legal

".legal is something most of my potential clients have never heard of and it stands out. It has a certain “coolness” factor to it that distinguishes my modern law firm from older, more traditional ones."

Brian Pendergraft,
Real Estate Attorney

Quote Illustration

.legal Domain Prices


$73.99 $9.99/yr





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