Attract more patients with .PHYSIO

.physio Domain Names

Those in the physio/physical therapy community now have a domain just for their practice. The .PHYSIO domain is a way to invoke trust in current and potential clients and to create a professional community online.

 $99.99 for the first year

Why buy a .physio domain?

TLD Illustration
  • Physio/physical therapy facilities can advertise their services with a domain that speaks of their expertise.
  • Physical therapists across the world can connect with one another through the .PHYSIO community.
  • Companies who were not able to register the domain they wanted on a generic domain will be far more likely to attain it through .PHYSIO.

Additional Registration Requirements: Must meet criteria specified by the World Confederation for Physical Therapy. You may find more information about these criteria in checkout.

.physio Domain Prices







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