Share your research and experiments online with .SCIENCE

.science Domain Names

Having a community to review and discuss scientific research is essential, and now the scientific world has its own online hub with .SCIENCE. It’s an ideal domain name for publishing scientific research, blogging about the latest groundbreaking scientific findings, or simply geeking out about all things science.

$34.99  $15.99 for the first year

Why buy a .science domain?

TLD Illustration
  • With .SCIENCE, the scientific community has a specific online namespace where it can gather to share and discuss ideas. Whether you’re world-renowned scientist or a science enthusiast, you can bring your passion online with a .SCIENCE domain name.
  • There are nearly 1.5 million scientific research papers published annually, and more than 20,000 scientific journals. The .SCIENCE domain name is perfect for taking those publications online and making them available to everyone.

.science Domain Prices


$34.99 $15.99/yr





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