Securing a great domain space as a legal professional

Securing a great domain space as a legal professional header image

If you’re a legal professional you know that finding a great domain name that is SEO optimized is no small task. Even though online search is now the number one way consumers find information and services, it can still be tricky to outrank competitors and ensure that you and your website are actually discovered. That’s where a SEO-rich domain comes into play—but with so many valuable domain names that use traditional endings already registered, this may seem out of reach too.

But looking beyond traditional domain endings can open up new possibilities. New Domains offer those in the legal sector the opportunity to register SEO- and geo-optimized domain extensions that are both memorable and professional.

Here are two domain endings you may not know about: .LAWYER and .ATTORNEY. These domains are just a couple of the many New Domains that joined the online community over the past few years. New Domains offer users the chance to explore the new frontiers of the internet world and take advantage of the currently uncrowded spaces many of these extensions offer.

.LAWYER and .ATTORNEY in particular are ideal for anyone in those specific professions. Having an identifier on the right side of the dot helps people understand who you are and what you do. Integrating a keyword directly into your URL also means a shorter domain that’s easier to remember and type.

That’s where Premium Domains come in

Premium Domains are short, memorable, and rich in SEO terms. They can help you amplify organic search for your website so that more people searching for information about your area of practice will discover your website and use your services. Take, for example, the website, which was registered by attorney Eric Block and resulted in a dramatic increase in his search ranking.

Although Premium Domains come with a higher price tag than standard domains, securing one of these valuable domains and enjoying the benefits of their highly-relevant keywords is well worth it. And better yet, from May 16 to June 30, 2016, you can enjoy $12.50 renewals for the life of the domain when you register a Rightside Premium Domain.

Here are just a few of the .LAWYER and .ATTORNEY domains that are currently available and included in this sale:

Visit the premium promotion page