Promote single life and dating with .SINGLES

.singles Domain Names

With .SINGLES, you can create a great online destination for promoting events, groups, products, and promotions geared toward single people.

$36.99  $9.99 for the first year

Why buy a .singles domain?

TLD Illustration
  • .SINGLES is relevant—more than 51 percent of adults in the United States identify themselves as single, according to a 2012 estimate.
  • A .SINGLES domain name could be used for a dating website, nightlife events, or even your own personal online singles ad.
More Information Illustration

As more people embrace their single selves, there’s a market niche for events, groups, products, and promotions that appeal specifically to single people. .SINGLES provides an easy-to-find namespace for singles, fitting the needs of singles groups, online dating sites, event coordinators, venues who run specials for singles, and bloggers or writers who give singlehood advice. When searching .SINGLES, consider domain names like,, or even

.singles Domain Prices


$36.99 $9.99/yr





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