Creative minds join at .SPACE

.space Domain Names

The .SPACE domain lets innovators and creative minds create their own unique corner of the web. Perfect for freelancers, writers, designers, and more, the open-ended domain allows users to create a web environment unique to their interests. In a more literal sense, .SPACE domains can also be used by aerospace companies or enthusiasts.

$35.99  $1.99 for the first year

Why buy a .space domain?

TLD Illustration
  • Writers, designers, freelancers, and other creatives can define their own web environment with .SPACE domain names.
  • Aerospace companies and researchers can use the domain to make their businesses more understandable to the public, and space enthusiasts can also create new websites or subdomains with .SPACE top-level domains.
  • There are a lot of possibilities for creative domains involving .SPACE, like,, and

How to use your .space domain


Artists, performers, designers, and other creative types can stake their claim to their own little corner of cyberspace with a .SPACE TLD.

Celebrities & Public Figures

Let fans and others know that you have your own space on the Internet by registering one of these domains.


Forums, blogs, and other types of online communities can provide a dedicated place for like-minded individuals to gather with this TLD.


Show customers the market you’re in or create a futuristic impression by registering one of these domains.

More Information Illustration

Having the right presence online is critical for building your audience and helping your business grow. is the best place to turn because we offer more than just the best way to search and register your new domain name. We also provide an intuitive website builder with Wix, that allows you to build your site from the ground up with ease. We also connect your business email to your website and provide hosting capabilities. Get started with your search today.

.space Domain Prices


$35.99 $1.99/yr





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