Take your team online with .TEAM

.team Domain Names

.TEAM has endless uses for website owners. Sports teams can use .TEAM to share information about upcoming games and scores in a unique and professional platform. It is also ideal for marathon or relay teams, especially those who are working to raise funds to support a cause. Businesses also benefit from the .TEAM domain, which shows customers that they have a company culture of collaboration and support.

$40.99  $4.99 for the first year

Why buy a .team domain?

TLD Illustration
  • Create a professional space for a sports teams to share updates, player profiles, and upcoming games or matches.
  • Highlight a company culture of teamwork and collaboration with a .TEAM domain.
  • Raise funds or raise awareness with a website for a marathon team.

.team Domain Prices


$40.99 $4.99/yr





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