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Adding forms, maps and other content in Website Builder (v8)

Last Updated: Jan 21, 2022

How to add different types of content to your page.

Adding content

To add content:

  1. Click the Add Content button.
  2. In the sidebar, locate the content you wish to add.
  3. Drag the content to the desired position on the page.

Adding a map to a page

Note: You cannot drag and drop content to the page header or footer.

Editing Content

To Edit Content:

  1. Move your cursor over the content.
  2. Click the settings icon 

Editing a map on the page

Moving content

To move a piece of content:

  1. Move your cursor over the content drag icon.
  2. Click and drag the content to the desired location.


Moving a title on the page

Note: Drag content to the far left or right of the page to create additional columns. You can create up to 4 columns.

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