.am Domain Names

.AM is a ccTLD (country code top level domain) and the Internet country code for Armenia. It is also popular in the broadcasting field.

 $99.00 for the first year

Why buy a .am domain?

TLD Illustration
  • .AM has taken off as a great extension for podcast and audio-related websites.
  • The domain is perfect for radio broadcasting, internet-only radio stations, and broadcasting service providers.
  • Useful for domain hacks, such as greeneggsandh.AM or shaz.AM
More Information Illustration

Why should I register a .AM domain name?

Registering ccTLDs offers another way to protect your online identity, as well as your business’ identity. We all know how important it is to protect our personal identity. The same should be true when considering the identity of your business or trademark online. Your assets are important whether in the form of a bank account or a domain name, and they need to be protected. When you register your trademark in a ccTLD domain, you are taking one more step to protect what is critical to you and your livelihood. By purchasing your trademark in a ccTLD, you do not have to worry about a competitor acquiring that name. Think how much easier it is to be the original owner instead of attempting to procure the domain from another party.

Are there any restriction for registering a .AM?

.AM has no restrictions for registering a domain. Any person from any part of the world and/or any company is welcome to register. However, every domain is subject to review. For religious reasons, Armenian law prohibits its domain names from being used for obscene sites. The right to revoke registrations due to obscenity or other illegal or immoral activity is reserved by the registry.

More information

The .AM registry: dot.AM

.am Domain Prices






Not Available

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