Get your flower shop online with a .FLORIST domain

.florist Domain Names

The .FLORIST domain extension makes it easy for florists, botanists, greenhouses, and anyone in the floral industry to get a memorable domain. It’s a new domain with great availability, so you can get a memorable, branded domain for your business.

$37.99  $14.99 for the first year

Why buy a .florist domain?

TLD Illustration
  • Online flower shops can use .FLORIST to create a catchy online destination with unique branding.
  • .FLORIST is especially relevant to small businesses, because there’s a much better chance of getting a memorable domain name than with crowded namespaces like .COM.
  • If your business name ends with “Florist,” you can register the matching domain name.

.florist Domain Prices


$37.99 $14.99/yr





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