Set up shop with a .FORSALE domain name

.forsale Domain Names

.FORSALE domains are perfect for anything you’re putting on the market, whether it’s a multimillion-dollar home or an old sofa. You can use your .FORSALE domain name and build a new website from scratch, or you can easily forward the domain to another online marketplace, like Zillow, eBay, or Craigslist.

$30.99  $19.99 for the first year

Why buy a .forsale domain?

TLD Illustration
  • .FORSALE domains instantly communicate the purpose of your website. Simply register what you’re selling:,,, and so on.
  • If you already have an established website for your physical or online store, a .FORSALE domain can be useful for SEO purposes. Register a domain that speaks to what you’re selling, and then forward the domain to your existing website.

How to use your .forsale domain

eCommerce stores

Make it clear to visitors that you sell goods online by using a .FORSALE domain.

Online sellers

If you focus on specialized goods, connect with the right buyers and sellers with a URL.

Real estate agents

List homes with a .FORSALE domain as an easy way to share information with prospective buyers.

Flea markets and pop-up shops

Let people know where you’ll be and when by regularly updating your .FORSALE website.

Explore what you can do with .forsale

"Years ago, I missed the opportunity to invest in a premium .COM domain; I knew I couldn\’t make that mistake again so we now use .forsale!"


Quote Illustration

.forsale Domain Prices


$30.99 $19.99/yr





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