Take your passion for .LIFE online

.life Domain Names

Life is one of the most expansive words in the English language, and the possibilities for .LIFE domain names are endless. It could be used in the context of a lifelong calling or passion, in a health or life saving context, or in any other interpretation of the word “life.”

$29.99  $2.99 for the first year

Why buy a .life domain?

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  • .LIFE is a great domain extension for showcasing your own life, including your photos and videos, career highlights, personal details, and just about anything else that you want to share.
  • If your group, business, or organization has ‘life” in its name, you can register a matching domain name with no extra words or characters. It’s a great way to make your online presence both simpler and more memorable.

Explore what you can do with .life

"We transitioned to TheWrap.Life. I just thought it was the perfect introduction. It’s short, it’s the name of the company. .Life supports our mission. We’re doing things differently."

Nnenna Stella,
Founder, The Wrap Life

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More Information Illustration

Who can own a .LIFE domain?

There are no restrictions for ownership of a .LIFE domain.

Can’t find the .LIFE domain you are looking for? Try these descriptive domain extensions instead:

Get a website for your .LIFE domain

Don’t stop with just a domain. Build your website with Wix, a premium website builder for personal and business websites. Show them how you are living with a wide range of tools that will showcase your unique life. Choose from over 500 professionally-designed templates for any industry, then use an intuitive drag-and-drop editor to create a website in minutes. Easily add videos, graphics, photos, and other media elements to your website and shine a spotlight on your amazing life.

Get email for your .PRO domain

Customize your agency’s email with your new .LIFE domain for a truly professional touch to your online presence.

.life Domain Prices


$29.99 $2.99/yr





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