5 things to look for in a quality web host

5 things to look for in a quality web host header image

Hosting is a necessity for anyone who wants to create a website and build their online presence. But many shoppers find themselves at a loss when it comes to choosing a reliable web host and determining which hosting plans are suitable for your needs. Luckily, there are a few basic questions you can ask that can help you choose a web host that is right for you.

Look for these 5 traits when choosing a web hosting plan

A high percentage of guaranteed uptime

There is nothing more frustrating than losing clients or visitors because of unexpected downtime. Your website should be running 24/7, so you need to find a hosting provider that can guarantee consistent service. Name.com offers 99.9% uptime—which is a standard that you should expect from a hosting provider.

Flexibility in the number of websites you can host

Some hosting plans are meant to support just one website, as a large number of website owners will operate a single website at a time. But if you have multiple websites you would like to host under one plan, you’re going to need a bulkier hosting plan. The ability to choose anything from a startup plan to one that offers unlimited websites and bandwidth is definitely a perk you should look out for.

Enough bandwidth to handle your website traffic

If you’re just getting started, going with one of the more basic hosting plans with a reasonable amount of bandwidth and disk space is always a good move. After all, if you find your website growing and suddenly need a bulkier hosting plan, it’s an easy upgrade to make. Start by choosing hosting for the web traffic you currently have and make sure there’s little bit of wiggle room for growth—it’ll save you money in the long term.

A hosting plan that includes regular backups

If the worst were to happen to your website, having a backup can turn what would be a nightmare into an easily handled situation. At Name.com, we offer automated nightly backups for customers who use any of our hosting packages. Even if you backup your own website regularly, a hosting provider who offers backups as well can help you ensure that your website content is stored in a safe place.

A trial period with minimal risk

Sometimes the best way to determine if a hosting plan is going to work for you is to try it out yourself. But what if you realize that you need more email addresses than you anticipated, or decide you’re going to manage multiple websites? Choosing a hosting provider that allows you a low risk trial period if a great way to explore your options. At Name.com, we offer a 30-day money back guarantee on all of our hosting plans to help you ensure that you’re making a suitable choice.

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