Own your story Cut through the noise with a domain name that builds authority
and provides your readers with the information they need.

.news Domain Names

Whether it’s breaking news or in-depth investigative journalism, the web has replaced print and broadcast mediums as the go-to source for news and information. The .NEWS domain name takes online journalism a step further, allowing you to create domains, websites, and email addresses that are specifically branded for breaking news.

$28.99  $11.99 for the first year

Why buy a .news domain?

TLD Illustration
  • Create domains, websites, and email addresses that are specifically branded for breaking news.
  • Shorten your domain name (e.g. go from citynamenews.com to cityname.news) and create a more memorable website.
  • Highlight updates or events with a .NEWS domain that forwards to your website’s news page.

How to use your .news domain


Use .NEWS to start a blog, create an online journalistic portfolio, or link to a Facebook or Twitter feed.

Non-profits or SMBs

Forward a .NEWS domain to a landing page that houses updates, upcoming events, sales, news, and more.


A .NEWS landing page can hold company press releases, job listings, personnel updates, or a corporate blog.


Create the next big viral news network, branding with .NEWS rather than a generic domain.

.news Domain Prices


$28.99 $11.99/yr





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