The New Domain for real estate developers

.properties Domain Names

Prospective renters and buyers usually start their housing searches online. If you’ve got a house, condo, apartment, or development to market, the .PROPERTIES domain extension is a great place to start. Property management companies, real estate professionals, and commercial developers can all benefit from a .PROPERTIES domain.

$40.99  $9.99 for the first year

Why buy a .properties domain?

TLD Illustration
  • A .PROPERTIES domain name can also be effective for websites related to auctions, tax laws, personal possessions, leases, mortgages, and anything else that makes sense for the word “property.”
  • There are no restrictions on .PROPERTIES domain names. It’s an open domain extension that can be registered by anyone for any purpose.

.properties Domain Prices


$40.99 $9.99/yr





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