.website: The first true alternative to a .COM

.website Domain Names

The word “website” is synonymous with the internet. It’s instantly recognizable and memorable to internet users all over the world, and it’s understood in several languages. It’s meaningful, self-explanatory, and perfectly generic.

$33.99  $2.99 for the first year

Why buy a .website domain?

TLD Illustration
  • With .WEBSITE, there’s a domain extension that’s just as generic as .COM, but since .WEBSITE is a New Domain, there’s great availability. You can get the exact domain you want.
  • Though there are other New Domains that appeal to specific niches, geographic areas, or novelty terms, .WEBSITE is the first generic New Domain to hit the global market.
More Information Illustration

The .WEBSITE collision list may be found here.

.website Domain Prices


$33.99 $2.99/yr





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