WordPress Hosting vs Web Hosting: Which Is Best? | Name.com

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WordPress Hosting vs Web Hosting: Which Is Best For Your Needs?

Hosting is an essential aspect of website building, making your site accessible to visitors online. Put simply, without hosting, your website won’t show up at all. 

While hosting is necessary, it’s not one-size-fits-all. You can select from a variety of hosting plans. Some may be better suited to your budget and business requirements than others.

In this article, we’ll break down the differences between WordPress hosting vs web hosting so you can choose the one that’s right for you.

What is web hosting?

Web hosting is a type of hosting you can use with any type of website. It’s not tailored to any specific content management system (CMS) or website builder. 

Under the umbrella of web hosting, there are several types, including:

  • Shared hosting – With shared hosting, several websites share space on a single server. The technical management of the server is taken care of by the hosting provider. While shared hosting is easy to use and cost-effective, it may be insufficient for businesses that require a lot of bandwidth or receive high levels of website traffic.
  • Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting – VPS hosting partitions a single server into several parts. Each server enjoys access to a certain amount of resources. Businesses that use VPS hosting don’t have to worry about other websites infringing on their server space. For this reason, VPS hosting offers more reliability than shared hosting. However, it’s typically more expensive and still has limited storage space.
  • Dedicated server hosting – If your website requires ample storage space, dedicated server hosting may be the way to go. With this type of hosting, you rent an entire server all to yourself. In turn, you can enjoy more storage and customize the configuration of the server to suit your needs. Since this hosting option gives you more space and control, it’s the most expensive. Thus, dedicated server hosting is typically reserved for large businesses with high-traffic websites.
  • Cloud hostingCloud web hosting runs on a network of servers, rather than a single server. Since it has access to multiple servers, it can support businesses that scale over time or experience sudden spikes of traffic. Due to this configuration, cloud hosting boasts impressive uptime—if one server fails, another one can pick up the slack. With cloud hosting, you only pay for the resources you actually use, rather than a predetermined amount of server space.

Name.com’s web hosting: Flexible solutions for every website

Here at Name.com, our WordPress web hosting services provide:

  • Free SSL certificates
  • Personalized email addresses to complement your website
  • Uptime guarantees of 99.9%
  • Free automated backups

Here’s a brief overview of each of our plans:


If you only want to build one website, our Personal plan is an affordable option. As of the publish date of this post, it costs just $6 a month when billed annually. Its features include:

  • Hosting for one website
  • 100 email accounts
  • 10 GB of disk space
  • 10 MySql DB
  • Free Encryption Everywhere SSL

For the most up-to-date pricing and promotions of our hosting services, click here.


Our Premium web hosting package can support multiple websites. It costs $8 a month when billed annually. 

Here’s an overview of its key features:

  • Hosting for up to 25 websites
  • Unlimited amount of email accounts
  • 100 GB of disk space
  • 50 MySql DB
  • Free Encryption Everywhere SSL


Our final web hosting option is built for businesses. For just $13 a month, you can receive:

  • Hosting for an unlimited number of websites
  • Unlimited number of email accounts
  • Unlimited GB of disk space
  • Unlimited MySql DB
  • Free Comodo Essential SSL

What is WordPress hosting?

WordPress hosting is a form of web hosting that’s specifically designed for websites on the WordPress CMS. Some people have their sites on Wix vs WordPress, but if you have a WordPress website, tailored WordPress hosting can offer WordPress-centric features, such as automatic theme and plugin updates, performance and security optimization, and knowledgeable customer support.

Key features of Name.com’s WordPress hosting

At Name.com, we provide managed WordPress hosting, along with our standard web hosting options. Our WordPress hosting comes with:

  • One-click Installation
  • Unlimited storage and bandwidth
  • Free daily backups
  • Theme and plugin support
  • Free Let’s Encrypt SSL

Benefits of choosing WordPress hosting

Why use WordPress? WordPress hosting is the preferred hosting solution for WordPress websites. It stands out for its:

  • Ease of use – When you use WordPress hosting, the technical aspects of your WordPress site setup will be taken care of by your hosting provider automatically.
  • Scalability – Name.com’s WordPress hosting allows you to scale up your website without sacrificing your site speed or security. The same can’t be said for standard web hosting plans.
  • Security – WordPress web hosting can protect against WordPress-specific security threats by updating your themes and plugins automatically.
  • Themes and plugin access – WordPress hosting plans often include pre-installed plugins that can improve your WordPress site’s performance. Many of these plans also give you access to premium themes that you can use to enhance your web design. 

Learn how to build a WordPress website the easy way with Name.com

Comparing WordPress hosting vs. web hosting

Now that you know the difference between web hosting and WordPress hosting, you may be wondering which one is right for you. 

You can find out by asking yourself the following questions:

  • What type of website do I want to create? – If you plan to create a website on WordPress, WordPress hosting is the way to go.
  • What are my financial constraints? – If you’re on a tight budget, you can save money by opting for a more bare-bones hosting plan with less server space.
  • Do I have the technical expertise to manage my website’s maintenance? – If you’re a tech-savvy website developer, you may be able to handle your website maintenance and service configuration on your own. If not, managed hosting services can take these technical burdens off your plate. Be sure to explore Name.com’s managed WordPress hosting plans if this sounds best for you.

Get started with Name.com today

Whether you’re searching for the best web hosting or the most cost-effective managed WordPress hosting from a web host, Name.com has you covered. Visit Name.com today to find the hosting plan that’s right for you, and discover your ideal domain with our domain name search tool today!


TechTarget. What is Web Hosting?


TechTarget. What is Virtualization?
